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Version: 0.13.0


An incident for an asset.



Information about an incident raised on an asset.

"type": "record",
"Aspect": {
"name": "incidentInfo"
"name": "IncidentInfo",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"fields": [
"Searchable": {
"addToFilters": true,
"filterNameOverride": "Type"
"type": {
"type": "enum",
"symbolDocs": {
"CUSTOM": "A custom type of incident",
"OPERATIONAL": "A misc. operational incident, e.g. failure to materialize a dataset."
"name": "IncidentType",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"symbols": [
"doc": "A type of asset incident"
"name": "type",
"doc": "The type of incident"
"Searchable": {
"addToFilters": true,
"filterNameOverride": "Other Type"
"type": [
"name": "customType",
"default": null,
"doc": "An optional custom incident type. Present only if type is 'CUSTOM'."
"type": [
"name": "title",
"default": null,
"doc": "Optional title associated with the incident"
"type": [
"name": "description",
"default": null,
"doc": "Optional description associated with the incident"
"Relationship": {
"/*": {
"entityTypes": [
"name": "IncidentOn"
"Searchable": {
"/*": {
"fieldType": "URN"
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": "string"
"name": "entities",
"doc": "A reference to the entity associated with the incident."
"Searchable": {
"addToFilters": true,
"filterNameOverride": "Priority"
"type": [
"name": "priority",
"default": 0,
"doc": "A numeric severity or priority for the incident. On the UI we will translate this into something easy to understand."
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "IncidentStatus",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"fields": [
"Searchable": {
"addToFilters": true,
"filterNameOverride": "Status"
"type": {
"type": "enum",
"symbolDocs": {
"ACTIVE": "The incident is ongoing, or active.",
"RESOLVED": "The incident is resolved."
"name": "IncidentState",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"symbols": [
"name": "state",
"doc": "The state of the incident"
"type": [
"name": "message",
"default": null,
"doc": "Optional message associated with the incident"
"Searchable": {
"/time": {
"fieldName": "lastUpdated",
"fieldType": "COUNT"
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "AuditStamp",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.common",
"fields": [
"type": "long",
"name": "time",
"doc": "When did the resource/association/sub-resource move into the specific lifecycle stage represented by this AuditEvent."
"java": {
"class": "com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn"
"type": "string",
"name": "actor",
"doc": "The entity (e.g. a member URN) which will be credited for moving the resource/association/sub-resource into the specific lifecycle stage. It is also the one used to authorize the change."
"java": {
"class": "com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn"
"type": [
"name": "impersonator",
"default": null,
"doc": "The entity (e.g. a service URN) which performs the change on behalf of the Actor and must be authorized to act as the Actor."
"type": [
"name": "message",
"default": null,
"doc": "Additional context around how DataHub was informed of the particular change. For example: was the change created by an automated process, or manually."
"doc": "Data captured on a resource/association/sub-resource level giving insight into when that resource/association/sub-resource moved into a particular lifecycle stage, and who acted to move it into that specific lifecycle stage."
"name": "lastUpdated",
"doc": "The time at which the request was initially created"
"doc": "Information about an incident raised on an asset"
"name": "status",
"doc": "The current status of an incident, i.e. active or inactive."
"type": [
"type": "record",
"Aspect": {
"name": "incidentSource"
"name": "IncidentSource",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"fields": [
"Searchable": {
"addToFilters": true,
"filterNameOverride": "Source"
"type": {
"type": "enum",
"symbolDocs": {
"MANUAL": "Manually created incident, via UI or API."
"name": "IncidentSourceType",
"namespace": "com.linkedin.incident",
"symbols": [
"name": "type",
"doc": "Message associated with the incident"
"Searchable": {
"fieldType": "URN"
"java": {
"class": "com.linkedin.common.urn.Urn"
"type": [
"name": "sourceUrn",
"default": null,
"doc": "Reference to an URN related to the source of an incident."
"doc": "Information about the source of an incident raised on an asset."
"name": "source",
"default": null,
"doc": "The source of an incident, i.e. how it was generated."
"Searchable": {
"/time": {
"fieldName": "created",
"fieldType": "COUNT"
"type": "com.linkedin.common.AuditStamp",
"name": "created",
"doc": "The time at which the request was initially created"
"doc": "Information about an incident raised on an asset."



These are the relationships stored in this entity's aspects

  • IncidentOn

    • Dataset via incidentInfo.entities
    • Chart via incidentInfo.entities
    • Dashboard via incidentInfo.entities
    • DataFlow via incidentInfo.entities
    • DataJob via incidentInfo.entities
    • SchemaField via incidentInfo.entities


These are the relationships stored in other entity's aspects

  • ResolvedIncidents

    • Dataset via incidentsSummary.resolvedIncidentDetails
    • DataJob via incidentsSummary.resolvedIncidentDetails
    • DataFlow via incidentsSummary.resolvedIncidentDetails
    • Chart via incidentsSummary.resolvedIncidentDetails
    • Dashboard via incidentsSummary.resolvedIncidentDetails
  • ActiveIncidents

    • Dataset via incidentsSummary.activeIncidentDetails
    • DataJob via incidentsSummary.activeIncidentDetails
    • DataFlow via incidentsSummary.activeIncidentDetails
    • Chart via incidentsSummary.activeIncidentDetails
    • Dashboard via incidentsSummary.activeIncidentDetails

Global Metadata Model

Global Graph